The men at the court of Queen Jezebel will throw out the window

Jezebel -The Queen of Evil

AFTER the death of King Jeroboam, each king who ruled over the kingdom of Israel 10 tribes in the north evil. Ahab is the worst king of all. Do you know why? One main reason is his wife, wicked Queen Jezebel.
Israel is not the woman Jezebel. She is the daughter of the king of Sidon. He worshiped the false god Baal, and it causes a lot of Ahab and Israel Baal also. Jezebel hates Jehovah and kills many of his prophets. The others had to hide in a cave to not be killed. If Jezebel wants something, she will even kill a person to get what he wants it.
One day the king was sad. Jezebel asked him, 'Why are you sad today?'
'I'm sad because of what Naboth said to me.' Ahab replied. 'I wanted to buy his vineyard. But he said I could not have it. '
'Do not worry, "said Jezebel. 'I'll take it.'
So Jezebel wrote letters to some prominent people in the city of Naboth. 'Have some needless to say that Naboth has cursed God and the king,' wrote Jezebel. 'Then take Naboth out of the city and stoned him to death with stones.'
As soon as Jezebel heard that Naboth was dead, he said to Ahab, 'Now go and take his vineyard.' Do not you agree that Jezebel should be punished for committing acts that are so terrible?
So, in time Jehovah commanded Jehu to punish Jezebel. When Jezebel heard that Jehu came, he mencelak his eyes and tried to adorn herself in order to look beautiful. But when Jehu came and saw Jezebel at the window, he shouted to those in the Palace, 'Throw her down!' The men obey, as you can see in the picture. They threw him down, and he died. This was the end of wicked Queen Jezebel.


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